AardeDans / 09-06-2024 / Boerderij Veld en Beek / Doorwerth (sold out)

Location: Fonteinallee 33, 6865 ND Doorwerth Time first performance: 13:30 pm Time second performance: 15:30 pm SOLD OUT BD agriculture celebrates 100 years this year! This should be celebrated in a big way. Thanks to Demeter Foundation and Triodos Foundation, DeDae can be part of these festivities and offer the performance/workshop ‘AardeDans’ to visitors. DeDae…

AardeDans / 14-06-2024 / Hommelhoeve / Empe

Location: Hommelstraat 1, 7399 RK Empe Time workshop: 18:30 hrs Time performance: 20:00 hrs Tickets: BD agriculture celebrates 100 years this year! This should be celebrated in a big way. Thanks to Demeter Foundation and Triodos Foundation, DeDae can be part of these festivities and offer the performance/workshop ‘AardeDans’ to visitors. DeDae dances for the…

AardeDans / 22-06-2024 / de Oosterwaarde / Diepenveen

Location: Sallandsweg 6, 7431 PX Diepenveen Time performance: 20:00 hrs We are part of OPEN day of the farm. Tickets: BD agriculture celebrates 100 years this year! This should be celebrated in a big way. Thanks to Demeter Foundation and Triodos Foundation, DeDae can be part of these festivities and offer the performance/workshop ‘AardeDans’ to…

DeDae summerweek / 14 t/m 19 July / OlmenEs

DeDae Summerweek 14 t/m 19 July. Enthusiasts for movement arts beware! This summer, the very first DeDae Summerweek will take place at OlmenEs (Appelscha). During this summerweek, young and old will discover and deepen their own relationship with the earth in a connecting, moving and playful way. Immerse yourself in eurythmy workshops, country work, walking…

Mindfulness in Movement

O sky sleeping in a stone. -Massimo Scaligero Celebrate your own authenticity and uniqueness through movement. In this workshop we take time, to develop conscious movement with love and attention. We will connect with ourselves and the other without judgement. We invite you, through simple and concrete exercises, to experience the harmony within and outside…

Language dance

In this workshop we play and dance with language! ‘The most important thing in communication is to hear what isn’t being said’ – Peter Drucker Speaking is something we do every day. Language is one of our most important communication tools. But are we aware of, what we say and how we say something? We…

Move to become vital

Do you want to become more balanced? Do you want to feel powerful and healthy? Start moving with DeDae in our vitality workshop. Experience how your own energy starts flowing again through the art of eurythmy movement. In this workshop, you will learn how to create awareness in the body through movement. Among other things,…