DeDae Summerweek 14 t/m 19 July. Enthusiasts for movement arts beware! This summer, the very first DeDae Summerweek will take place at OlmenEs (Appelscha). During this summerweek, young and old will discover and deepen their own relationship with the earth in a connecting, moving and playful way. Immerse yourself in eurythmy workshops, country work, walking tours, stillness and much more! All in collaboration with OlmenEs. This summer week is ideal for eurythmy, movement and nature lovers, eurythmists, eurythmy students, families and children.

What does DeDae Summer Week look like?
Each morning starts with a block of yoga and mindfulness eurythmy in which we connect with the earth. Focus is on arriving in your body and connecting with nature.
After the coffee break, we will work on eurythmy choreographies in the creative eurythmy workshop. The focus is on one’s own creativity, freedom and enjoyment of creating.
In the afternoon, there is an opportunity to work at one of OlmenEs’ workplaces. For example, work on the farm, in the bakery, wood workshop, ceramics workshop and much more! This will give you the chance to get to know the special place OlmenEs better. Activities at the workplaces are from Mon to Wed.
Another option is to attend an afternoon eurythmy masterclass by Gia van den Akker in collaboration with DeDae dancers. In this master class, you will work intensively with eurythmy technique and create your own choreography.
On Thursday evening, there is ‘bonte avond’, where anyone who wants can share something of what they have been working on during the summer week. DeDae will then also show part of the performance AardeDans.


Regular: €400*
Student/child: €275*

Are you coming with your family? Request more information about the family price at

* Prices include lunch meal Mon-Fri and exclude overnight stay. (Payment in instalments is possible).

Please note! Overnight accommodation should be organised by yourself. There are several options in and around Appelscha, such as; camping, Airbnb, hotel etc.
