DeDae has a programme about the Earth. We are researching the different layers of this theme to come up with a new eurythmy dance performance. From April 2024, we will tour again with this programme. Keep an eye on our socials or newsletter, for more information!
The earth is a somebody. The earth is a YOU. DeDae recently visited farmers and was inspired by their experiences on healthy-making agriculture. These farmers work with different methods and inspirations such as biodynamic farming. This is how earth, plant, animal and cosmos come together. Are humans able to live in a loving compassionate connection with the earth, vegetation, animals and our fellow human beings? We believe that anything that gets attention will grow and so we put the natural earth, our natural base, at the centre of this production. DeDae dances the connection with the earth, seasons, weather, soil, life and growth forces, composting and the earthworm!
Dancers seek farms to perform ‘Aardedans’
Do you have or know a farm where we can play our performance with workshops interactively with others and in connection with the earth, vegetation, animals and fellow human beings? A farm with a community; a meadow or a barn with chairs/benches/bales of straw? If so, we would love to get in touch with you based on the idea ‘let’s dance and sing the voice of the earth together’.
Contact Juliette at or call 06 502 525 32
Choreography: Gia van den Akker in collaboration with members of the ensemble
Music: Vivaldi/Richter, Agnes Obel, Nynke Laverman arranged by Annie Tangberg
Texts: ”Broze Aarde” by A. Krog, an fragment from prologue ”Iets met boeren”; Peter Dictus/Bureau Pees, speech by Roos Saat for Rabobank
Musicians: Ricardo Oliveira, Zoe Gonzalezv
Actor: Emile Rogissart
Costumes: Marie-Pierre Murigneux
Age: 8 to 106 years old