Age: 4-106 years

Location: Het Zeeheldentheater, Trompstraat 342, 2518 BT The Hague

Time performance: 15:30 pm
Buy tickets via the Zeeheldentheater website


Erik Pinksterblom steps inside the painting ‘Wollewei’, which has come to life, where he has amazing adventures with insects that have very human characteristics. Will he be able to make it safely back home to the human world?

Above Erik’s bed hangs the painting ‘Wollewei’. Erik longs fervently to be able to live in the painting one day. And then one night it happens. Suddenly, Erik becomes very small and finds himself in the painting. He has become as small as a fly and moves through huge plants with giant stems and leaves. Everywhere he goes, he helps the insects. He dances tango with the posh wasps, makes music with the bumblebees, sleeps in the snail’s hotel and meets a very peculiarly wrapped caterpillar… But Erik also gets homesick. Will Erik manage to find his way back home?

This performance is inspired by the book of the same title ‘Erik of het klein insectenboek’ written by Godfried Bomans.

In this danced performance with live music, you will get to know the insects and their world in which they live and survive. This world is not so different from ours with its class differences, relationships, friendships and transformations. In short, this insect knowledge is also people knowledge.

DeDae is a young eurythmy dance ensemble consisting of five talented dancers. Together with three musicians, who speak as well as make music, an impressive ensemble is created.

DeDae moves and dances. We are guided by the rhythm of now and tomorrow.